First of all, I'd like to apologize for making al of you wait for Tails Love Triangle 4. The reason I haven't worked on it, quite honestly, is due to pure laziness. I promise I will try to work on it a bit harder from now on. And if you want to know EVERYTHING that's been preventing me from doing anything, check my Account on DeviantArt.
Anyway, It's time for the main story:
As we all know, Sega is pretty much totally screwed up. And as I said before, they have waaaaay too many charachters. So, I've taken a look at all the charachters they have, and I've come to the conclusion that there are at least three charachters that need to be eliminated. And they are: Silver the Hedgehog, Amy Rose, and Cream the Rabbit.
Why, you ask?
First off: Amy. Amy was created to be a "Love interest" for Sonic. However, she's always insisting that Sonic is her "Boyfriend", and whenever he appears, she goes insane and chases after him. And she's always determined to get him, and she only thinks of him. If she ever wants to talk about anything, it's about Sonic. And that's just annoying. She's waaaaayyy too obsessed with Sonic. And Sonic never even pays attention to her. And when he does, it's because he's saying "Oh Shit, it's about to run away!!". Sonic needs a girl who isn't so obsessed with him. Someone who can be calm, and thinks about other things, and not always be like "SOOOOONNIIIIIIC!". Someone like... maybe Blaze, or even Cosmo's older sister, Galaxina.
Second: Cream. Why is Cream even here? Probably the most obvious answer is that everyone wants her paired up with Tails. But there are several non-obvious reasons as well. First off, Cream is a very crappy charachter. Most of her moves aren't very useful, and she depends on her "Little blue marshmallow who smells like his name" to attack her enemies. AND she doesn't like violence, so she's usually staying out of the way while the other charachters do all the work. And she often cries. And she's often with Amy. Let's face it: If Cosmo didn't exist, chances are that I would still want her gone.
Finally: Silver. We have waaaaaay too many Hedgehogs in the Sonic universe. Silver just shows us that Sega doesn't have any good ideas, and so they just redo everything they've done again. And most fans are quite unhappy due to the great amount of new charachters that are coming out. And he's not as fast as Sonic or Shadow, which means that fans with a need for speed will be quite unsatisfied with Silver.
Whatever you think, I'd say that those three charachters need to be eliminated. What do you think?