Not that it's a bad thing, though. The problem is that nowadays they seem to like adding at least one new carachter with each video game. What's wrong there is that... well, where should I start?
First off, they take away the spotlight of other carachters. Like for example, if Silver hadn't appeared in Sonic Rivals, Tails might have been in his place. And if blaze the Cat (though "Slut" seems to be a more accurate description) hadn't been in Sonic Rush, maybe Knuckles or Amy would've been playable.
Another thing is that most carachters overload Sega with loads of stupid stories about where they came from and what they need to do. Not good if half the game is spent reading storylines about how a mega-monster destroyed the new carachters home dimension/ timeline/ universe/ whatever, or that the new carachters world will deteriorate without those wierd "Sol" emeralds. Or that a new villan has... well, you get the idea.
Yeah, it's good to see some noob carachters ocasionally, but if it happens in EVERY SINGLE GAME, then it becomes a problem.
You might say "But they saved Sonic's life!", and that's true. But Silver tried to kill Sonic in his first game. And in the 7th world's boss in Sonic Rush, It was Blaze Vs Sonic, wasn't it?
As of November the 1st, 2007, the newest carachter is a Raccoon called "Marine". Now here comes the irritating part: bunches of people are thinking that she might be a new love interest or something for Tails.
A lot of bullshit.
I mean, dosen't Tails have enough love interests? Cosmo, Cream, Fiona, & countless fan-made Carachters... does it seem that Tails needs more girlfriends? (I personally hope that he ends up staying with Cosmo.)
If you have a good reason why they do it, please tell me. I'd say they're running out of ideas, but others say they're retarded. Whatever the reason, they're not making too many fans happy. Trust me. I've heard them complain about how many new carachters Sega has.
Anyway, I will now leave you, and I'll leave something for you all: a picture of Sega's newest carachter, Marine the Raccoon. You can say whatever you want; she dosen't seem too good. She's not even playable!
Until next time, peace out.
To answer that question I say this... How are they creating new charaters left and right i have no idea. 1st, There are so many sonic that my head is hurting i counted at least 36 charaters didn't know there was that many there to begin with. 2nd They should stop the random charater making. (unless they have a very good reason to add that charater) And 3rd if the old charaters are only going to be there once or twice, then they shouldn't be there, it's killing me with all these sonic charaters old and new it can drive a person insane.
*sigh* I need to start reading all the comic series (if it doesn't kill me first) so i can understand almost all of the sonic charaters better. Well im off to see if i can find the series so bye <(-_-)>
Glad you share my point of view.