View Profile wierdtails

73 Movie Reviews

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That's soooo cool!!! I love SMBZ!

This flash is amazing!! Not just this flash, but all other Super Mario Bros. Z Flashes are really cool! As for the fact that the last guy wants to know where to get flash and sprites, well, flash is not free. To get it you have to buy it. And you can download the trial version at the website. The sprites you can find at places like the shyguy kingdom and the spriters resource. I hope that he can find what he needs. But talking about the movie, this is amazing!!! I like how Mario turns into fire mario, and Bowser into his Metallic form. He would have looked cooler in his Giga form. Oh, and together, Sonic and Shadow look like Goku & Vegeta. They're cool. And What about the Koopalings? Will they appear in future SMBZ episodes?

Sooooooo?? What's the point?

I've seen all 3 Tails and his GBA episodes, and they're pretty funny, particularly because Tails is my favorite Video Game carachter(Why do you think I call myself Wierdtails anyway??), but this one was not. No offense, but you just don't have it anymore. How could you do this to all the "Tails and his GBA fans"? You can't just be like those dummies who leave something undone just when they got to be well known and highly humourous!!! You have done some good flashes!!! you can still do it!! Of course, the GBA is obsolete now. Maybe you could do "Sonic and his NDS"(Nintendo DS) Or "Knuckles and his Wii" or something, but for crying out loud, DO SOMETHING!!! DO YOU WANNA LOSE YOUR FANS?!!

RupeeClock responds:

Lmao, I'm DONE with sprite movies dude, I only made this as a small joke, that other 3 will always be there for you to enjoy. :)

I'm still gonna be animating quality stuff on here but you people need to learn to take a joke!

That was so BEAUTIFUL!!! (sniff...)

I must say, Tyro, that you and Aura have done a great job with this flash! For a 1st, it's really good. The graphics were amazing, the song was perfect for this one, and, well what more can I say, IT WAS AMAZING!!! I admit that that flash may have made me spill a few tears. I don't watch Sonic X, But I know the plot because I often read random articles from Wikipedia. The relationship between Cosmo and Tails(Who happens to be my favorite Sonic carachter) is so romantic, and it's sad that Tails had to kill Cosmo to save the universe... But I'm sure she'll return sooner or later!!! Let me explain why:
As I said before, I often look up random articles on Wikipedia, and I know that many carachters (especially in Comic Books) are believed to be dead (or sometimes actually are!!!) And then reveal themselves to be alive. For example, Superman was at one point confronted by a monster nicknamed (for he had no known name) "Doomsday", who was eventually killed by Superman. However, Superman was apparently killed too. In a later comic, it was revealed that his powers allowed him to enter a hibernative state, during which he healed.
In an alternate Star Wars timeline, Darth Maul from Episode I managed to survive, and had his lower body replaced with cyborg legs. And sonic himself died in Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) and was revived with the chaos emeralds.
So I'd be unsurprised if Cosmo came back. Thanks for hearing this.
P.S. That last reviewer was a jerk.
P.P.S. If you want to know more about the deaths of comic book deaths, you should check out X-Men: Death Becomes Them, by wogoat.
P.P.P.S. that's on newgrounds


YOU ARE AMAZING!!! It must've taken a lotta time to make that friggin' cool music video!!! You defineteley have a great potential, and i'm sure you'll find it with hard work. You are very good at editing sprites, and the sounds were amazing!!! Those shades were really cool,especially Knuckles' green ones. And Tails' hat looked pretty cool, and he's my favorite Sonic carachter :D. Anyways, good flash. As I said before, You have a great potential. Enjoy it, show it, and most of all, USE IT!!!!

Liquid-Phoenix responds:

You wouldn't happen to be that salesman I saw about a few months back, were you?

Lol, kidding, I like messing around once in a while.


Now for some constructive citicism: add more sounds, more fighting, and possibly two or more endings, so that both Sonic admirers and Tails fans(namely me) can be satisfied. Ok?

I LOVE RISE OF THE M.K.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a god, Randy Solem. I am inspired by you. If I'm lucky, I might someday make a parody of ROTMK, like Rise of the Koopa kingdom and Rise of the Monkey kingdom have been made. But now I have many plans, so I might not make one for some time. I don't even have flash right now!!! Once I get it, I will have several movies. But right now I'm just planning them.
P.S.: I've liked Mario since I started playing Video Games.


I've seen all 5 SMBZ episodes that are currently being shown, and this series deserves an 11 (out of 5)!!! For once It's not "Mario Vs Sonic", but Mario AND Sonic. You are amazing! You should tell me where U get the mario music, I've tried 2 find it 4 my own flash movies (wait, I forgot: I Don't have flash yet!!) But I can't find it anywhere!!! I'd also like 2 know where U get the sprites 4 the attacks & stuff. Your Super Mario Bros Z movies are amazing!!! Oh, and don't 4get that Super Sonic (and Super shadow too) looks a lot like a Super Saiyan, but with red eyes(Super saiyans have blue eyes) and Mecha Sonic would probably be the androids. But the question is: who in the Mario (or Sonic) world would be Freiza(Or was it spelled Frieza?)?? And what about Majin Buu?? Well, u get the idea.

Im lovin this! Make more:D

This was so cool! But you know, Mexico is different, but not that different; pot is still illegal(though Shadow may have got it from a criminal or something) and they don't give alcohol 2 minors. But it was really, really good. Shadow is a murderer, Sonic gets a trip to Acapulco, Amy tries(unsuccesfully) 2 speak spanish:), Knuckles gets 2 shoot a midget :D, Shadow smokes pot, Amy strips, etc.. What I don't like is how Tails gets treated; he's my favorite Sonic carachter, as well as one of the youngest, so he should get more respect. Aside from that, You're doing 2 good 2 be insulted!!! U R A true Flash user, you know how 2 turn video game carachters into funny carachters, and how 2 turn a "simple" vacation in mexico into a funny, humor filled show.
Now its time 4 the big question, the one that everyone wants 2 know: When will there be a Sonic: Uncut 4??? You're doing soooooo good!! Why not continue??? You really, really, really, really, really, should do a sequel!!!! Please??? And what new carachters will be in it?? And when you're done, don't 4get 2 make Sonic: Uncut 5 And 6!!!

Kool, make #4

You are good at doing these flashes, I saw the other 2 and liked them very much, it would be cool if u made #4, so MAKE SONIC:UNCUT 4!!! Oh, and make Tails get more respect, he's my favorite sonic carachter. I repeat: MAKE SONIC:UNCUT 4!!! And Make Tails' voice like the one in SONIC:UNCUT 3, he sounded more like someone his age should sound in SONIC:UNCUT 3.

Listen. My name is Wierdtails, not Weirdtails. If you like fanfics, chck out mine on DeviantArt.

Age 32, Male

Taismo fan



Joined on 2/21/07

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