View Profile wierdtails

73 Movie Reviews

25 w/ Responses


I'd say that that was cool. Can you tell me when you'll make # ten? The fights were cool (Maybe Mighty would be better if he was a little more sober) & link training while the others did nothing... & I only just realized that they did nothing today! Then the wierdo kidnaps Amy & Sonic goes to rescue her... cool. Anyway, cool movie, cool music, cool graphics, & I hope for # 10 soon!

Not good, but not bad

Eh, I just can't figure out what the locks were saying. It was Kinda funny at the end, though the voices were really wierd & hard to undestand, but the music was cool. I think I'll give you a few more points than you would have, because I am a big fan of Tails, & because since my first flash just barely avoided being blammed, & I feel like giving people more than I'd normally give them. So please enjoy your eight.

Tails-Lock responds:

sorry about that, i couldn't get the voices to be louder without making them sound all fuzzy aswell. I'll hopefully update it with subtitles and a couple other changes soon. thanks for the score =D

I agree with that last guy

Luigi should Fight Tails, Shadow should fight Wario, & Knuckles should Fight Yoshi. That guy forgot to mention that Amy would fight Peach (the hero's girlfriend & main Female), Daisy would fight Cream (The main female's best friend), Bowser would fight Eggman/ Robotnik (the main enemy), Waluigi would fight Rouge (secondary Anti-Heroes), DK would fight, I dunno, maybe E-123 Omega? (former villans who are now anti-heroes), & so on.
Despite the slight inaccuracy of having Luigi fight Shadow, It's still a good movie. Some parts were really funny, & the Lightsaber part was really funny. Oh, and Where Can I get the Music from during the battle between Luigi & Shadow?
And it's true. Mario & Sonic get too much attention. Poor Shadow & Luigi (& Tails & Wario too, though they weren't in the movie), always jealous of How Sonic & Mario get all the attention, Fame, Fortune, & especially girls (Though at least Luigi & Tails have Girlfriends (sadly though, Tails girlfriend is dead); Wario & Shadow are lonely... unless you count Maria as Shadows girlfriend, & she's dead). But anyway, Why am I talking about random Carachters that didn't even appear in this Flash? I should just say that It was cool, & I hope to see more cool movies from you. Hopefully one that involves Tails. (as you can tell, I'm a Tails fan.)

Television in the mushroom kingdom is so cool!!!

I loved that. It couldn't have been better unless you used more... "advanced" sprites. Though the original sprites are still cool. Anyway, where did you get those Kickass songs? Especially the ones with the goomba & the Koopa. & the Credits music. Where can I get that music? Please tell me! I want those for my own flashes!
Anyway, the part with Mario as a (possibly?) Superhero was the coolest part. and so was the the one with Bowser's Whistling Music.
Though the one with the lakitu was plain wierd. Was he smoking Crack? Or was he just acting wierd for no reason?

Wurmy responds:

All the songs are in the credits.. go read them.. Glad you liked it though, and no. There was no crack involved within this Flash. Thanks for the review xD



And to the MotherF**ker that reviewed before me: Someone has to do Rupeeclock's job, because he isn't going to continue Tails & his GBA. If you don't believe me, Ask him. Anyway, this is cool. Mario's Emerald stealing has led him to A new universe, eh? That's cool. I want a Chaos emerald For My NDS... BTW, What was Link thinking Leaving a BOMB with them? AND Laughing about it? He must be smoking pot. And Poor DK's Right. His games get really low sales compared to Mario & Sonic. And Mario's son's right, Mario should teach him some manners.
BTW, I might just make a spoof of Tails & His GBA someday... Unless RupeeClock changes his mind...

Poor Tails

I'm a big Fan of Tails, so I took off 2 points for the fact that you were abusing him. I can't believe he's always the one to be mistreated! Why? Can't you abuse Knuckles? Or Shadow, Or Amy, Or Eggman, Or (continues until there are no more Sonic Carachters left, but Skips Cosmo & Sonic >_<)?
Anyway, It was somewhat cool until they started treating Tails like a piece of shit. You should do a LOT more of this! But PLEASE, Give Tails some respect. Now, where was I? OH yes. those Backgrounds were Cool, & so were the skateboards. Then that banana... What is wrong with him?
When will you make the next "Sonic in the City"? I hope Soon, because I am REALLY tired of waiting! XD

25% Emo, 50% Hedgehog, 25% wierd, 100% Hilarity!!!

This Is some of the best shit on Newgrounds! It was kinda wierd when Shadow was talking to himself like an emo, then It became Funny how He was followed By the Devil & the little angel (KILL! KILL! KILL!| FUN! FUN! FUN!). & everyone said that he should do their jobs, & the G.U.N. Soldiers who don't know the difference between Real life & drills, & Slack off! (OMFG!) Then there's That General, Who Looks Just like Bowser In "Bowser's plan" (The Super-Dense Leader) & The Soldier who's like Koopa Troopa Pete (The brighter soldier who gets badly punished). It's funny how the General's eating little animals & Flickies, But one Question: HOW THE F**K DID CHRIS THORNDYKE GET REDUCED TO SUCH A SMALL SIZE?!! (Maybe he ate a Mini-mushroom...)
The part where Doom can't remember Firing Shadow & Where Shadow says all that about Just having to get the Chaos emeralds was Really Funny, then where Knuckles Beats up all the aliens, and says Shadow did it cracked me up. Then he runs into a tornado (Wheeeee!!!! LOL :D) & Shadow ends up Saying Emo Stuff 2 Himself... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMFG!
The Part where He meets Amy was So Funny (She let Cream go ALONE in there?! The Big Scary Castle!?!) Then he asks how they can even be friends if they talked twice (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!). Then She Jumps on the balloon & Blows It up (I wish her clothes would burn off too XD) & Finds Cream (Locked up for no apparent reason) & Cheese Just as Eggman arrives... LOL
I didn't know Smallville was an Emo Show... I should Watch it more often, seeing that I've barely seen it at all...
Next Time Make One about Tails (Yes, I am a BIG Fan of Tails), Or Luigi... Talking about their relationship with the main carachter! That would be funny. Or Maybe Tails' relationship to the other carachters... But if you don't want to, don't do it. Leave that to me.


I have 2 words to start with: TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Really, this was cool. Well, hot, because of Godzilla's breath. You guys are awesome. I'm somewhat a fan of Godzilla, & you can't find a lot of movies with godzilla around here. So this made me happy. Oh, and that song was TOTALLY KICKASS! Where can I get it? Anyway, Godzilla's cool. Please tell me where 2 get the song.
P.S.: To restart the movie when it's finished, Right click & press rewind.

SeizureDog responds:

I think the song is on an Initial D soundtrack or something. Not sure. Thanks for the love though.

Listen. My name is Wierdtails, not Weirdtails. If you like fanfics, chck out mine on DeviantArt.

Age 32, Male

Taismo fan



Joined on 2/21/07

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