Tails & Cosmo are so cute together!
I don't know what "Taismo" means, but I imagine it to be something about Tails & Cosmo. Anyway, I liked it a lot. Tails is my favorite Sonic carachter, and I don't see many Flashes that make him the main carachter, let alone Tails & Cosmo movies. But you've done a pretty good job. So Eggman made a Cosmo clone army... and made Tails happy by bringing her back (which is really hard, because you usually can't bring people back from the dead. Except in comic books, because in comic books no one STAYS dead except Spider-Man's Uncle Ben, Bucky, & Jason Todd(at least they used to say that, until the latter 2 came back.)) By the way, I saw a Cosmo sprite sheet on The Mystical Forest Zone. I don't know if it's interesting to you, but it was for me. Oh, and you might want to see Tails: on the way of revenge(Tails:OTWOR, it will have 7 parts, and 2 have been made.). It has to do with Tails avenging Cosmo's death. I've also seen a movie called Sonic X: Tribute to Cosmo, which is, of course, a tribute to Cosmo. Though this is the first Tails-Cosmo Flash that shows Cosmo alive after Sonic X.
The backgrounds were ok, but could use a bit of improvement. The sound was pretty good too. The part where the Cosmo clones blow each other up was really funny.
Here's a quetion I want you to answer: HOW CAN I CONVINE MY DAD TO BUY ME FLASH? Please answer. I REALLY, REALLY, BADLY want it, but he says it's too expensive. I have some good ideas too, some of which involve Tails & Cosmo. Okay, I guess that's long enough. WAIT! I just want you to know that a sequel would be cool.