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Listen. My name is Wierdtails, not Weirdtails. If you like fanfics, chck out mine on DeviantArt.

Age 32, Male

Taismo fan



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Is Dark Oak Cosmo's Father?

Posted by wierdtails - October 20th, 2007

Every single Taismo fan on Newgrounds has probably heard a rumor that says that Cosmo is the daughter of Dark Oak (or some other member of the Metarex). Some people I've talked to think it's stupid, while others (including me) think it's true. The big question: IS it true?

Well, For those of you who think that there is no possible way for someone to be the child of their greatest enemy, think about Star Wars. In the second movie (the fifth episode, this is really confusing) Luke Skywalker battled against Darth Vader. After the duel (which ended with Vader Cutting off Luke's right Hand), Vader revealed himself to be Luke's Father. Vader's real name, of course, is Anakin Skywalker.

Still need convincing? Well, I made up a little dialogue that may make you believe Cosmo is the daughter of Dark Oak:

Oak: "If you only knew the power of the Mexarex. Your mother never told you what happened to your father."
Cosmo: "She told me enough! She told me you killed him!"
Oak: "No. I am your Father."
Cosmo: "No... That's not true! That's impossible!"
Oak: "Search your feelings! You know it to be true! Join me, and together, we can rule the galaxy as father and daughter!"

This might be in a Flash of mine someday. So may this next one:
Oak: You cannot hide forever, Cosmo.
Cosmo: I will not fight you.
Oak: Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for your... boyfriend. So, you have a boyfriend. Your feelings have now betrayed him too. You were wise to hide him from me. Now your failure is complete. If you will not join the Metarex, then perhaps he will.
Cosmo: NEVER!!!

Well, some time has passed since I posted this, so I have 2 new things:
Frst, stop bitching about the fact that I made a Ripoff of Star Wars. Sonic the Hedgehog is full of ripoffs.
Second, I recently noticed that Dark Oak's real name (Lucas) is another version of the name "Luke" as in "Luke Skywalker" who, as I mentioned before, is the son of his archenemy, Darth Vader.
Only that in the case of Dark Oak and Cosmo, the name is totally switched around.
I truly believe that Dark Oak/ Lucas is Cosmo's father. If you don't believe it, then who do you think her father is?



What are you trying to say?

Well i've been researching sonic characters and i have been come across cosmo and it says that lucis (a.k.a dark oak) that there are rumors that he is the father but that has not been confirm yet. If i had the eps. of the 3rd series i would confirm it but i don't so i can't. ( Besides i need to see the entire series again because i didn't see almost half of it... TOO EARLY MAN!!!)

Oh well... good luck. I hope you find where to see the episodes.
BTW, if you find a page with Sonic X, can you tell me? because I've only seen up to ep. 72. (What if I told you that I still hadn't seen ANY episodes when I made TLT 1?)

Can you please tell me what taismo is? it sounds cool

Tails + Cosmo.

Pardon? that text sounds like you ripped it off from star wars and switched the words around. Either way, I don't think the relation is true, nor do I think it isn't true. And about my review for the love triangle, I wasn't saying it was crap, just that it needs heavy improvement... okay, it's crap, but I still want that easter egg. but remember that there are FAR WORSE things around, like anything that tries to say that Cosmo should die forever, Tails should forget her forever, and go out with Cream until he dies.

First off, if it weren't a Star Wars ripoff, I wouldn't even have bothered to mention Star Wars. Or are you saying that I should simply shut up?
Second, if you wanna find the easter egg that badly, I'm not gonna tell you exactly where, but I'll give you a hint with my next PM.
Third, life is full of ripoffs. In case you haven't noticed, the entire Sonic The Hedgehog series is a ripoff of Dragon Ball Z.
One last thing: Those Cosmo sprites were the LEAST CRAPPY ONES I could find. So unless you're gonna make me new ones or tell me where to find better ones, those are the ones I'm using.
Sincerely, (& approximately 42 times more irritated than before), Wierdtails.
P.S.: Are you even a Tails Fan?

Hmm............This is something that dark vader would say. If I would believe that, I would say that Dark Oak is NOT Cosmo's father.


A star wars remake? Awkward. But I think your right, Dark Oak was probably Cosmo's father all along.

Well I think that Dark oak is Cosmo's father becouse Dark oak is lucas! (hertia's husband) so that explains it! if you guys dont belive me then explain why the yellow king of meterex was orginally a male seedrian??

That says its true.